
I'm stopping using Firefox (and other Mozilla programs like Seamonkey and Thunderbird) over this whole Brendan Eich scuffle, and you should consider it too.

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Categories: Computers, Politics
Date: 2014-04-07 00:30:17, 10 years and 335 days ago

Speedup of Trac Static Content

At work I recently spent some time working on getting our hosted Trac to run faster. I found one simple little trick that gave up to a 20% speed improvement, so I thought I'd share it here.

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Categories: Computers, Linux, Work
Date: 2010-08-25 23:03:54, 14 years and 196 days ago

Joel on DRCS

We where talking about merging today and one of my co-workers pointed out that some of the advantages of Distributed Revision Control Systems (DRCS), are actually more of a case of "distributed rcs rules because I never read the manual for svn and drcs is complex enough that it forced me to read the manual". For example Joel Spolsky (of Joel on Software) writes about Mercurial:

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Categories: Computers, Work
Date: 2010-03-22 23:03:54, 14 years and 352 days ago

The Government Will Make Everything Safe

Professor Proposes Laws Against Insecure Computers:

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Categories: Computers, Politics
Date: 2010-03-07 23:03:54, 15 years and 2 days ago

IE is Being Mean to Me

A song about Internet Explorer. I don't actually have to develop for IE, but whenever a customer finds a bug before our testing team I'm the first to hear about it.An interesting thing I've observed from these various bug reports is that nearly every display bug happens in only one specific browser; can you guess which one?

Categories: Computers, Humour, Linkage
Date: 2010-03-03 23:03:54, 15 years and 6 days ago

Meth Addicts as a Security Risk

Linux Magazine: Intrusion Stories:

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Categories: Computers, Oddities
Date: 2010-01-17 23:03:54, 15 years and 51 days ago

Bulk emails should not come from support

Today my company sent out a bunch of emails about a service update to our customers. Approximately 16,000 emails. To make things easy for customers who wanted to ask questions about the changes we set the reply to field on the emails to be our support email address. This was a mistake. The first problem is that out of 16,000 people a reasonable number are going to be out of the office a week before Christmas, but that was OK, you just delete the dozen or so new Cases with "Out of Office Auto-reply" in the subject. No, the real problem was the infinite loops of auto-replies that our case management system created with some customers ticket systems.

Categories: Computers, Humour, Work
Date: 2009-12-18 23:03:53, 15 years and 81 days ago

rm *

I just reminded myself how dangerous 'rm *' is. I deleted the copies of all the posts on my blog from my local system. Fortunately I had backups of all but the most recent 8 posts, and I could recover them easily enough, but this has reminded me to make my "daily" backups more regular than once a fortnight, and convinced me to add 'alias rm="rm -i"' back to my .bash_aliases.

Categories: Computers, Meta
Date: 2009-09-30 23:03:57, 15 years and 160 days ago

Tech Support

Tech Support Cheat Sheet

Categories: Computers, Howto, Humour, Linkage
Date: 2009-09-22 23:03:54, 15 years and 168 days ago

Progress Quest

You might have noticed that I haven't posted for a while. I blame Progress Quest, a truly exceptional MMORPG. It's got an engrossing plot, phenomenal graphics, truly zen sound, and is generally all round great. I've spent over 10 hours playing it Today alone.

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Categories: Computers, Games, Humour, Reviews
Date: 2009-07-27 23:03:54, 15 years and 225 days ago