Anzac Day

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Lest We Forget!
The Ode of Remembrance - Laurence Binyon
Categories: Heroes
Date: 2014-04-25 23:03:53, 10 years and 183 days ago

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders Fields by John McCrae (1915)

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Categories: Heroes, Poetry, Remembrance
Date: 2010-11-11 23:03:54, 13 years and 349 days ago



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Date: 2010-06-08 23:03:53, 14 years and 140 days ago

Lest We Forget

Lest We Forget

Date: 2010-04-25 23:03:54, 14 years and 184 days ago


"Viva Cuba Libre"

Date: 2009-02-08 23:03:53, 15 years and 260 days ago

Update on Lance Corporal Croucher

I was going through my archives and I came across the post I wrote about Lance Corporal Matthew Croucher back in March. I decided to do a little search and see if I could get an update on this event. I found out that he is going to receive the George Cross. Congratulations to Lance Corporal Croucher, he certainly deserves it.

Date: 2008-08-17 23:03:54, 16 years and 70 days ago

Anzac Day

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Lest We Forget!
The Ode of Remembrance - Laurence Binyon
Categories: Heroes
Date: 2008-04-25 23:03:55, 16 years and 184 days ago

British Hero

Looks like bravery among the Brits is not yet extinct: Lance Corporal Matt Croucher "threw" himself over grenade to save comrades. While he didn't actually "throw" himself on the grenade, he did deliberately place himself between it and his troop, so good on him.

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Date: 2008-03-31 23:03:53, 16 years and 209 days ago


The Australian Bravery Decorations where announced on Monday (the 17th). So in effort to raise awareness of our nations heroes I'm republishing the Citations for the individuals who where awarded the Star of Courage, Australia's second most prestigious bravery medal available for civilians. In addition to these individuals there was also several dozen individuals that received lessor awards, so you might want to read through the lists yourself.

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Categories: Heroes
Date: 2008-03-19 23:03:53, 16 years and 221 days ago

Prince Harry's in Afghanistan

Apparently Prince Harry has been deployed in Afghanistan, about time really, I mean he volunteered to go to Iraq ages ago and they refused him. I suppose I could understand the MoD being cautious about deploying him because his presence could have endangered the men under his command, but they had managed to think of a solution that at least alleviated that problem. Or at least it did until certain members of the media choose to reveal his presence, these media groups should be ashamed to have endangered this brave man and the rest of his unit, just to improve ratings. Heck, I'm ashamed simply because the embargo was broken by " Australian magazine." See the following articles for more details:

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Date: 2008-02-29 23:03:54, 16 years and 240 days ago