Fiction: Bluffing

Letter to the Glibelian Ambassador dated 4th of Solu in the 7th year of Emperor Halak II [Approximately 2nd of December 2031 AD]

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Categories: Writing
Date: 2016-10-15 06:43:13, 8 years and 143 days ago

Fiction: Singing for the Fairies

It was two weeks after we moved into the new house that I first noticed my daughter singing the theme song of a popular cartoon series in our new backyard. "For the Fairies" she said; and I thought it was cute.

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Categories: Writing
Date: 2015-10-31 06:45:33, 9 years and 128 days ago

Fiction: Thorns

The palace gardener walked down the central path of the west garden. He was alone among the plants, which was no longer unusual. Visitors to the west garden had become rarer in the past months then any time the gardener could remember of his forty-three years of tending these grounds.

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Categories: Writing
Date: 2015-10-23 07:49:20, 9 years and 136 days ago

Fiction: Safe Haven

Matthews watched the ship's thrusters automatically activate in an attempt to slow its entry down while his lifeboat drifted away in the upper atmosphere. It was strange, last week he was struggling to keep her running, but now he found himself praying that her drives would fail because then she would smash into the planet hard enough to kill It. Maybe.

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Categories: Writing
Date: 2015-10-16 07:49:21, 9 years and 143 days ago

Writing Update

Just a quick update on my writing since I haven't posted for a while.

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Categories: Writing
Date: 2014-05-27 23:03:54, 10 years and 285 days ago

The Pyrrianaut Published

I've now published The Pyrrianaut as a freebie on Smashwords. I was going to put it on Amazon as well, but Amazon doesn't accept "Free" ebooks, so you'll just have to download it from Smashwords even if you use a Kindle. There's a short description of the short story after the break if you're interested.

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Categories: Writing
Date: 2014-03-23 23:03:54, 10 years and 350 days ago

Short Story: The Pyrrianaut

A short story about vanishing youth and fighting pseudo-dinosaurs.

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Categories: Writing
Date: 2014-03-18 23:03:54, 10 years and 355 days ago

Writing Update

I finished up a new short story on Wednesday night, so I'm going to let it sit for a week or two and then re-edit it. In the mean-time I'll continue work on editing The Sword and The Hawk, and hopefully get started on a separate novella I'm planning.

Categories: Writing
Date: 2014-02-21 23:03:54, 11 years and 15 days ago

Writing Update

Just a quick update on the status of my writing. The first few chapters of The Sword and The Hawk are with my mum proofreader, and I'm a fair chunk of the way through an unrelated Sci-Fi short story, which is probably going to end up being around 3,000-5,000 words. I'm hoping to pick up the pace on my writing, but still, I'm getting things done, even if more slowly than I'd like.

Categories: Writing
Date: 2014-02-16 23:03:54, 11 years and 20 days ago

Deadlines and Not Keeping Them

Well, I've missed the first week of January deadline for publishing the first chapter.

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Categories: Meta, Writing
Date: 2014-01-09 23:03:53, 11 years and 58 days ago