
Just sharing some more links:

First up, we've got Mike Cernovich's guide to winning the current propaganda war:

We are everywhere, and that's why the media is losing its mind.

The media is on the defensive. They simultaneously can't look away from what we do, and yet they don't want to wake people up.

Cernovich again with the Jim Ghomeshi Rape Hoax:

[Jim] Ghomeshi, a former CBC radio host, bragged about being a women's study major and male feminist.

Then his life changed. Several women came forward to claim he sexually assaulted them. He lost his job, he was put on houseĀ arrest, and he was called a rapist by international news.

The problem is that Ghomeshi is innocent.

Vox Day's transcript of Roosh's press conference (there's a video for those who prefer):

All right, so the world has gone insane in the past week. Why? Number one, I had organized meet ups around the world for men to enjoy a social happy hour to meet in private and talk about anything. Work, politics, girls, just to meet. Okay? Number two, a year ago I wrote an article How to Stop Rape. This article, to a 10-year-old, was obvious that I didn't intend to legalize rape or cause harm against women. But starting on Sunday, a lot of you have lied by saying that I am a pro-rape advocate. He wants women to get hurt! And then the third thing, you said the meet ups are about rapists. They want to gather to learn how to rape. They are going to exchange tips. Some of you have called it a rape rally! What the hell is that? A rape rally? So because of that I've been all over the world in terms of the news. Over 100 articles have been written.

And finally a Sci-fi author get's blackballed:

I launched a book this week and I went Indie with it.

I had to. My Publisher, HarperVoyager, refused to publish it because of some of the ideas I wrote about in it.

Categories: Linkage, Politics
Date: 2016-02-11 03:51:29, 9 years and 25 days ago

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