Sting like a bee

Sting like a [Bumble]bee

Categories: Humour, Linux, Oddities
Date: 2011-06-17 23:03:54, 13 years and 265 days ago

Speedup of Trac Static Content

At work I recently spent some time working on getting our hosted Trac to run faster. I found one simple little trick that gave up to a 20% speed improvement, so I thought I'd share it here.

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Categories: Computers, Linux, Work
Date: 2010-08-25 23:03:54, 14 years and 196 days ago

Slackware 64 Bit

Slackware now has an official 64-bit port, so far it's only available for people who run -current, but be available as an alternative architecture for the next release (Slackware 13). Whoo!

Categories: Computers, Linux
Date: 2009-05-20 23:03:54, 15 years and 293 days ago

Awk and Trac.ini

You'll notice I'm posting late again, for which I blame C.S. Lewis, and since he's dead he can't defend himself from this unfounded accusation completely serious and non-trivial explanation for my tardiness.

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Categories: Computers, Howto, Linux, Scripting
Date: 2009-05-05 23:03:53, 15 years and 308 days ago

Countdown in a Shell Script

Tuesday's still the weekend right? ;-)

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Categories: Computers, Scripting, Linux
Date: 2009-04-07 23:03:53, 15 years and 336 days ago

Battery State Monitor Script

Oops, completely missed posting last weekend, mostly just because I'm too easily distracted. Such is life, hopefully I'll do two or three posts this weekend to even it up.

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Categories: Computers, Scripting, Linux
Date: 2009-04-04 23:03:53, 15 years and 339 days ago

Some tips on speeding up Slackware 12.2 Boot

My Slackware laptop had decently fast boot times (a little over a minute), but I'm impatient and decided to see if I could speed it up some more. Here's the changes I made and the results down the bottom. This is on a Dell Vostro 1510, with 4GB of ram and a 2.1GHz Core 2 Duo. Obviously the results will vary depending on your hardware.

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Categories: Computers, Howto, Linux
Date: 2009-02-14 23:03:54, 16 years and 23 days ago


A few things of note:

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Categories: General, Linux, Linkage, Meta
Date: 2008-12-12 23:03:54, 16 years and 87 days ago

Random Backgrounds Script

I recently wrote this simple script to allow me to set a random image as my background:

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Categories: Linux, Computers, Scripting
Date: 2008-08-06 23:03:54, 16 years and 215 days ago

Installing Kazehakase 0.5.1 on Slackware 12

I recently decided to install Kazehakase 0.5.1 on my computer. As with any software installation of Slackware my first step was to check for a SlackBuild on There is one but it is for version 0.4.7. OK, that's often not a problem, you just change the $VERSION variable to the version you actually want. So I tried that, the SlackBuild printed out the usual range of progress reports, etc, then gave me this:

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Categories: Howto, Linux, Computers
Date: 2008-01-30 23:03:54, 17 years and 39 days ago