
I watched the film "To End All Wars" on Saturday night. This was an interesting film about the treatment of Allied POW by the Japanese. One thing I found amusing about the film though was when "Yanker" was talking to one of the other prisoners he said that he was not a "Kamikaze". That word was introduced to the English language in the period from 1944 to 1945, while this movie was set a couple of years before that. I know I'm nit-picking, but still I think it's funny.

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Categories: Politics, Movies, Race
Date: 2007-10-22 23:03:54, 17 years and 139 days ago


According to this page, "[I] cannot buy combat aircraft." from the RAAF. Darn.

Categories: Oddities
Date: 2007-10-22 23:03:53, 17 years and 139 days ago

Breast Rubs

This is interesting (Yes, it is Safe For Work, it's a news article) I do agree that it is not really appropriate for a male doctor to be "rubbing" his female patient's breasts, but why would the 31 year old women in the article keep going back if she felt it was such a problem? It is implied in the article that she was more than a little uncomfortable with it, but she continued going to the same dentist fully expecting that sort of thing to happen (by the sound of it).

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Categories: Humour, Oddities
Date: 2007-10-17 23:03:53, 17 years and 144 days ago

Death Penalty

These two news articles show why I support the death penalty:

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Categories: Politics, Jurisprudence
Date: 2007-10-17 23:03:55, 17 years and 144 days ago

Planet of the Apes

I was watching Planet of the Apes last night (OK, it was actually already morning, but I hadn't been to sleep yet :-) ), and I noticed that the main ape hero made comments on human (i.e. real humans on Earth) great and harsh mistreatment of apes. Leo, our (human) hero, made no attempt to counter these claims, but instead seemed to agree that humans putting non-sapient [un-intelligent] animals in zoos*, was worse, not just as bad, but worse, than intelligent apes enslaving and murdering (sapient) humans.

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Categories: Politics, Movies
Date: 2007-10-13 23:03:54, 17 years and 148 days ago

Dr. Necessiter

Reading this news article I'm reminded of a quote from "The Man with Two Brains".

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Categories: Politics
Date: 2007-10-12 23:03:53, 17 years and 149 days ago

Insect Picture of the Day

This is an interesting site I came across Today.

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Categories: Humour, Linkage
Date: 2007-10-10 23:03:56, 17 years and 151 days ago


I've added some links to web comics on the links page.

Categories: Meta
Date: 2007-10-10 23:03:54, 17 years and 151 days ago