
Kim du Toit has an interesting article on racism on his new blog, Geopoliticus. My favorite quote from the article is this:

If I am to believe that Blacks and their Black-majority government can rebuild a city by themselves, then I should likewise be able to castigate them for their failure without fear of being branded a racist.

To paraphrase, if we believe that a black man is capable of being a good president, we should be able to say that he is not without fear of being branded a racist, or if we believe that black parents are able to look after their own children, we should be able to castigate them without being seen as racist. If I said not to vote for someone because he is black that would obviously be racist, but if I said not to vote for someone, who happened to be black, because he is incompetent, somehow that is racist also. Or if I said not to give someone welfare payments because they're black that would be racist, but if I say not to give them welfare payments, because they are not looking after their children, that is also racist (if they're black). What is the matter with the whole "black rights" group? Do they earnestly believe that somehow being incompetent, or even evil, is an integral side effect of having a bit more melanin in your skin?

Categories: Politics, Race
Date: 2008-04-02 23:03:54, 16 years and 207 days ago

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