This past Saturday ("Bright Saturday" in Orthodoxy) I was officially Baptised and Chrismated into Orthodox Christianity at St. Ksenia of St. Petersburg's Russian Orthodox Church. This is a culmination of a couple of years reconsidering the Evangelical Protestant faith of my childhood, and I decided to share my reasoning.Continue reading...
Date: 2017-04-27 03:20:55, 7 years and 314 days ago
Christ is risen from the dead,
trampling down death by death,
and upon those in the tombs bestowing life!
Date: 2017-04-16 22:30:32, 7 years and 325 days ago
According to Lazarus Long love is what happens when you're not having sex. Having now read Time Enough for Love, apparently "love" primarily consists of talking about sex, and making-out with teenage girls.Continue reading...
Date: 2017-02-22 23:08:40, 8 years and 13 days ago
American Dad and Dalrock have some posts up on the sort of cartoonish "chivalry" that some fathers at least joke that they'll use with any guy trying to date their daughters. (eg: "Toss him a shotgun shell, and tell him it moves a lot faster after 11.")Continue reading...
Date: 2017-02-03 06:19:00, 8 years and 32 days ago
Letter to the Glibelian Ambassador dated 4th of Solu in the 7th year of Emperor Halak II [Approximately 2nd of December 2031 AD]Continue reading...
Date: 2016-10-15 06:43:13, 8 years and 143 days ago
Just sharing some more links:Continue reading...
Date: 2016-02-11 03:51:29, 9 years and 25 days ago
First up with have Tom Kratman's story of a hypothetical [hopefully] politically correct military (part 1, part 2, and part 3). Here's how it starts (hint: it doesn't get any better, or any less funny):Continue reading...
Date: 2016-01-20 08:08:03, 9 years and 47 days ago
At this rate I should be finishing the Harvard Classics in around 2026. Oh well, on to the latest update.Continue reading...
Date: 2016-01-11 00:21:36, 9 years and 56 days ago
Some links that I thought where worth sharing.Continue reading...
Date: 2015-12-14 01:45:36, 9 years and 84 days ago
So, for anyone living under a rock, apparently the Yanks are having a Presidential election, and it's my duty as a random guy on the Internet to have an opinion on the election. I haven't really been paying much attention to the issues, but I can use help you out with by far the most important issue: Who has the most American Surname.Continue reading...
Date: 2015-12-08 03:29:14, 9 years and 90 days ago