The Pyrrianaut Published

I've now published The Pyrrianaut as a freebie on Smashwords. I was going to put it on Amazon as well, but Amazon doesn't accept "Free" ebooks, so you'll just have to download it from Smashwords even if you use a Kindle. There's a short description of the short story after the break if you're interested.

Lt. Edward Philips is a Pyrrianaut, one of the elite soldiers used by ColAdmin to guard their off-world colonies.

And he has a problem; well, two problems:

At 22 he's getting too old, and his mind too set in it's ways, for the neural link to his armour, and he's going to have to retire soon, and he's not sure what to do, but that's going to have to wait until he resolves the more immediate problem: a gigantic alien pseudo-dinosaur is about to fly into his colony, and he's going to have to stop it.

Available now from Smashwords, and it should become available from the various vendors Smashwords distributes to soon.

Categories: Writing
Date: 2014-03-23 23:03:54, 10 years and 350 days ago

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