Ten Things Update

My ten goals, and what progress I've made since the last update in June:

  1. Run a half-marathon (21KM) in a decent time (less than 2 hours). Done bits and pieces off running, but no real progress.
  2. Achieve a moderate level of strength; 30 pushups, 60 situps, and 10 pullups should do as a start (based on the Australian Army's Commando Physical Fitness Entry Requirements). Been doing the One Hundred Pushups and Two Undred Situps plans, but haven't had any chance to do pullups while I've been away. Last check of the Pushups and Situps a couple of weeks ago was: 57 situps (nearly there) and 41 pushups.
  3. Be at a half-decent martial artist. No Progress.
  4. Shoot a rifle and pistol accurately. I've got my license, but haven't got a rifle or a chance to do any shooting yet.
  5. Have a decent knowledge of First Aid. Been reading through Medicine for Mountaineering by James A. Wilkerson.
  6. Be a member of the SES. No Progress.
  7. Have a basic working knowledge of at least one non-English language. No progress.
  8. Make a decent profit on the share market (better than 5% annually). I bought a bunch of RIO and BHP back in May; RIO has made about 22% and BHP 9%. I also have some other shares that I've owned since last year that have made a good solid profit as well.
  9. Publish a short story, at least in one of the online magazines, but print would be better. No progress.
  10. Post regularly here (at least once a week). Ha, that's rich.
Categories: Self-Improvement
Date: 2010-10-24 23:03:54, 14 years and 3 days ago

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