Media Favrouritism

... apparently they favour the Coalition. Really? So how did you come to this conclusion? "The researchers measured bias by counting the number of mentions of left-leaning or right-leaning intellectuals." Like that's a valid measure; basically what they are saying is that the media was slightly more likely to write articles about the party that's actually in power. They also apparently rated the "slant" of various headlines, but that's too subjective to be valid. (Basically all it says is that the researchers where slightly more left-wing than the media as a whole) There was third a final measure they used which was the level of political donations, this is actually a valid measure, though it doesn't measure the slant of the articles in the newspapers, it just indicates that they support that party. The Coalition was in power at the time so it may have been an effort to buy the current government, I would like to see how this changes now that Labour is in power.

So we basically have two invalid measures, and one potentially valid measure of media slant. Interesting, but not enough to go on. To be honest though I can't think of any better way to measure such things.

Categories: Politics
Date: 2009-09-03 23:03:54, 15 years and 53 days ago

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