A review of More Than Meets the Eye by Wendy Cooper. Continue reading...
I finished up a new short story on Wednesday night, so I'm going to let it sit for a week or two and then re-edit it. In the mean-time I'll continue work on editing The Sword and The Hawk, and hopefully get started on a separate novella I'm planning.
Just a quick update on the status of my writing. The first few chapters of The Sword and The Hawk are with my mum proofreader, and I'm a fair chunk of the way through an unrelated Sci-Fi short story, which is probably going to end up being around 3,000-5,000 words. I'm hoping to pick up the pace on my writing, but still, I'm getting things done, even if more slowly than I'd like.
Continuing my streak of not posting the first chapters of the Sword and the Hawk I've planted a vegetable garden, in an old garden bed which was full of plants I didn't actually like, and I decided to share some pictures of it (click for bigger): Continue reading...
Well, I've missed the first week of January deadline for publishing the first chapter. Continue reading...
If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one to hear it, does it make a sound? Continue reading...
Well I finished what I'm going to call a first draft on Tuesday, but kept forgetting to post about it. The rough draft is 51,000 words, and obviously still needs some rework. Yes, that means it took me over a week to write a thousand words; though I did do a bit of other stuff as well. I wanted to catch up on various chores that had fallen behind over November, but I should still be on track for having the first chapter posted here by January like planned.
I haven't forgotten about my plan to post some budget meal recipes, I was just busy with NaNoWriMo. So here's the next installment of 4 for $10: fried rice. Continue reading...
A little while before NaNoWriMo started I decided to start reading through the Harvard Classics/Five-foot Bookshelf. I figure I'll give myself the basics of an old-school liberal arts education. Since Volume 1 is rather American focused I decided to skip it and go straight to Volume 2. I ended up slowing down a lot due to NaNoWriMo, but I got the last part of Volume 2 done on Monday. Continue reading...
Well, I've completed NaNoWriMo for 2013, which means I know I can write reasonably fast. ;-) Continue reading...