Prince Harry's in Afghanistan

Apparently Prince Harry has been deployed in Afghanistan, about time really, I mean he volunteered to go to Iraq ages ago and they refused him. I suppose I could understand the MoD being cautious about deploying him because his presence could have endangered the men under his command, but they had managed to think of a solution that at least alleviated that problem. Or at least it did until certain members of the media choose to reveal his presence, these media groups should be ashamed to have endangered this brave man and the rest of his unit, just to improve ratings. Heck, I'm ashamed simply because the embargo was broken by " Australian magazine." See the following articles for more details:

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Date: 2008-02-29 23:03:54, 16 years and 55 days ago

Aussie Captain commits Suicide

Apparently the "Horrors of war [where] too much for [the] captain". He served for six weeks in Afghanistan last year and committed suicide earlier this year. This is unfortunate and my condolences go to this man's family, but what I mostly wanted to comment on the fact that it was assumed throughout the article that the problem was that the government did not provide him with sufficient counseling. I don't think that is the problem, what I'd instead suggest is that society as a whole would not accept him because he was a soldier. Soldiers are treated as monsters and outcasts because they fought in wars over-seas so no-one had to fight here, and then we wonder why they get depressed. It's not the army that failed him, but society (particularly the left).

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Date: 2007-11-01 23:03:53, 16 years and 175 days ago